Dormant Oil Spray
- Control pests including aphids, mites, scales, and more
- Sprayed yearly on trees from mid April to June in Lake Tahoe
- Non-toxic and organic
Tree Management During Construction
- Tree preservation and management plan for all phases of construction
- Many treatments available
- Save valuable trees
- Bark beetle spray during construction and for several years after highly recommended
Plant Health Care/Deep Root Fertilizing
- Comprehensive health plan for you landscape
- Ornamental or native trees
- Deep root fertilizing
- Tree spraying
- Soil analysis
- Irrigation plans
- Anti-dessicant spray for newly planted trees and shrubs stops drying out and decline
Systemic treatments and Organic Pest Control
- Highly effective systemic pesticides are injected directly into the trunk of the tree
- Less impact on surrounding environment
- Designed to target specific pests
- Highly effective systemic pesticides; soil injected, basel trunk applied or direct trunk injection
- Designed to target specific pests
- Effective for up to two years
- Pests include bark beetles, aphids, mites, scales, leaf-miners and many more
- We offer a full line of organic pest control options including dormant oils, insecticidal soaps, natural plant oil extracts, and much more! Call and ask!